





嚎叫2010 剧照 NO.1嚎叫2010 剧照 NO.2嚎叫2010 剧照 NO.3嚎叫2010 剧照 NO.4嚎叫2010 剧照 NO.5嚎叫2010 剧照 NO.6嚎叫2010 剧照 NO.13嚎叫2010 剧照 NO.14嚎叫2010 剧照 NO.15嚎叫2010 剧照 NO.16嚎叫2010 剧照 NO.17嚎叫2010 剧照 NO.18嚎叫2010 剧照 NO.19嚎叫2010 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-07 01:20


  本片是美国“垮掉派”诗人艾伦·金斯堡(詹姆斯·弗兰科 James Franco 饰)的传记片,片名《嚎叫》沿用了金斯堡的同名长诗。  艾伦·金斯堡,是美国战后“垮掉的一代”文学流派里的代表性诗人。他的代表作《嚎叫》出版后备受争议,其出版社甚至被起诉出售淫秽资料。金斯堡的父亲是个无名诗人,他的母亲后被送往精神病院。金斯堡是个同性恋者,他有过三段同性恋情,前两次都无疾而终,而第三段与彼得·奥莱斯基(艾伦·特维特 Aaron Tveit 饰)的恋爱,使他感到无比幸福,这段经历成为他的长诗《嚎叫》的部分灵感来源,而彼得成为了他的终身伴侣。  本片主要以法庭审判长诗《嚎叫》、金斯堡剖白自己、金斯堡在众人面前朗诵长诗这三个场景,来表现传主金斯堡50年代的生平经历以及他的思想,金斯堡的合作者、漫画家埃里克·杜克还会以动画形式来展示诗歌《嚎叫》的内容。


 1 ) 出名的嚎叫和不出名的垮掉的一代

我第一次知道垮掉的一代(beat generation)这个名词应该是在J. D. Salinger的《麦田守望者》 (The Catcher in the Rye,1951), 然后就是在电视看到的关于Howl(1955)的预告片。那个时候我还是在大学,应该是在某个午后,慵懒的回到家中,打开电视看到的,脑海中是模糊的黑白画面和标注的美式口音的朗读。(当然,那个时候我还真心听不出这口音别扭。)


直到我走入Broadway和12th street交接的Strand书店,那一刻,一股小清新的气息迎面扑来,哈哈,桌子上摆着Howl, Infinite jest 和 Ulysses,那一刻,我知道,消费的时刻到来了。遥远的事物都会有光环,这是无可避免的。Howl, infinite jest此类书籍大概是文化人口袋中的香饽饽,在他们所谓的圈子里热炒起来的,然后以一种不可辩驳的导向性输送给群众,它到底为什么好,怎么好,为什么能摆在书店正入口的大方桌上?我其实一点儿也不知道。在那儿瞎跟文艺风的我以前觉得这些神书遥远的不可触碰,才发现到了美国,人家就摆在正门口,而且不是一本,是一堆!Infinite Jest实在太厚,Ulysses实在太晦涩,只有这本薄薄的HOWL最得我心,而且还有电影一枚,又是James Franco的,当然还是从容易的下刀啊。虽然这本小破书要7.15刀一本儿,我还是买下了。谁让我喜欢没事儿装逼呢。不过黑白色的小封面,和1955年上庭打官司的封面一模一样,真是让文艺青年欢喜。

所以,我决定先攻下诗集,再攻下电影。我觉得Allen Ginsberg应该是在Berkeley和1953年的时候受了什么刺激,所以文风才开始转变的,变的疯疯癫癫。第一句我还是挺喜欢的,I saw the best generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.他用着令人爽快的节奏,让人陌生的稀奇古怪的词汇,七七八八的拼凑了一首性与欲望的时代之歌,我读的别别扭扭的,觉得怎么说,作者都有在糊弄和卖弄玄虚的嫌疑,更多的是他自己的呓语,说实话,实在没有太多的文字的优美性。虽然说不至于没有价值,可是也实在不至于成为垮掉一代的首席诗人。倒是这个soloman,他诗歌的主体对话对象是谁,让我充满了好奇。哎,好让人失望,而且整本诗集里除了Howl,还有点儿读头以外,其他的都让人毫无印象了。


James Franco虽然在努力模仿读者的语音语调,但我实在是不敢恭维他的朗读技巧,还不如不模仿,真心不觉得作者有他朗读的那么难听。怎么说Allen也是正宗的New Jersy人,和曼哈顿岛一河之隔,口音怎么可能那么重嘛。这是youtube上的本人朗读:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVGoY9gom50

James Franco演完Howl,又演米尔克,在湾区的怀抱里,他是要走向同同的必然趋势了。可能因为导演以前是拍纪录片的,随意故事实在乏善可陈,就是把整首诗朗读了一遍,动画虽然加深了对诗歌本身内容的理解,可是想象力虽在,故事性全无。电影,诗,分开都不好看,合起来,你才刚开始懂得了Allen Ginsberg和那个即将到来的思想动乱的改革与时代。

 2 ) 在自己的生活中真实的表达自我

如果不是讲述Allen Ginsberg,如果不是Howl引发的讨论的内容和它打破的保守,如果不是Franco的表演,我也许会对片子的拍摄手法感到无趣和乏味。但是这些都存在,所以这是一部好片子。



(16' 37'' 这之前动画中“游动”的礼花很赞)
"The problem, when it comes to literature, is this: There are many writers who have preconceived ideas about what literature is supposed to be. But their ideas seem to preclude everything that makes them most interesting in casual conversation. Their faggishness, their solitude, their neuroses, their goofiness, their campiness, or, even their masculinity at times. Because they think that they're gonna write something that sounds like something else that they've read before, instead of sounds like them, or, comes from their own life."
"We all talk amongst ourselves: We have a common understanding. We say anything we want to say. We talk about our assholes. We talk about our cocks. We talk about who we fucked last night, or, who we're gonna fuck tomorrow, or, what kind of love affair we're in, or... I mean, everyone tells one's friends about that, right? So, the question is, what happens when you make a distinction between what you tell your friends and what you tell your Muse. The trick is to break down that distinction, to approach your Muse as frankly as you would talk to yourself or to your friends. It's the ability to commit to writing, to write the same way that you are."

(45' 49'' Allen和Peter在一起的生活。复刻了经典的靠背而坐。幸福感。)
"It was when I met Peter that everything changed for me. It was as if the heavens showered with gold. Finally somebody loved me like I loved them. And for the first time, I felt accepted in my life, completely."


(66' 08'' ,,, 67' 57'')
"The battle of censorship will not be finally settled by your Honor's decision. But you will either add to liberal, educated thinking, or by your decision, you will add fuel to the fire of ignorance."

(69' 29'' 庭审判决)
"There are a number of words used in Howl that are presently considered coarse and vulgar in some circles of the community. And in other circles, such words are in everyday use. The author of Howl has used those words because he believed that his portrayal required them as being in character. The people state that such words are not necessary and that others would be more palatable for good taste."

"The answer is, that life is not encased in one fomula whereby everyone acts the same and conforms to a paticular pattern. No two persons think alike. We were all made from the same form but in different patterns. Would there be any freedoms of press or speech if one must reduce his vocabulary to vapid, innocuous euphemism? An author should be real in treating his subject, and be allowed to express his thoughts and ideas in his own words. In considering material claimed to be obscene, it is well to remember the motto 'Honi soit qui mal y pense' —— 'Evil to him who evil thinks'. The freedoms of speech and press are inherent in a nation of free people. These freedoms must be protected if we are to remain free, both individually and as a nation."

"Therefore, I conclude that the book Howl and Other Poems dose have some redeeming social importance, and I find the book is not obscene. The defendant is found not guilty."

(72' 46'')
"The poem is misinterpreted as a promotion of homosexsuality. Actually, it's more like a promotion of frankness, about my subject. If you're a foot fetishist, you write about feet. If you're a stock market freak, you can write about the rising sales curve erections of the Standard Oil Chart. When a few people are frank about homosexsuality in public, it breaks the ice. Then people are free to be frank about anything and that's socialy useful."

"Homosexsuality is a condition, and because it alienated me or set me apart from the beginning, it served as a catalyst for self examination, or a detailed realization of my environment and the reasons why everyone else is different and, why I am different."


最后,Allen Ginsberg演唱的动人的Father Death Blues:To the Beat Generation

Hey Father Death, I'm flying home
Hey,poor man, you're all alone
Hey,old daddy, I know where I'm going
Father Death, don't cry any more
Mama's there, underneath the floor
Brother Death, please mind the store
Old Auntie Death, I hear your groans
Old Uncle Death, I see your bones
Oh Sister Death, how sweet your moan
Oh Children Death, go breathe your breaths
Sobbing breasts'll ease your deaths
Pain is gone, tears take the rest
Genius Death, your art is done
Lover Death, your body's gone
Father Death, I'm coming home
Guru Death, your words are true
Teacher Death, I do thank you
For inspiring me to sing this blues
Buddha Death, I wake with you
Dharma Death, you mind is new
Sangha Death, we'll work it through
Suffering is what was born
Ignorance made me forlorn
Tearful truths I cannot scorn
Father breath, once more farewell
Birth you gave was no thing ill
My heart is still
As time will tell

Jack died in 1969 at the age of 47.
Neal Cassady died in 1968 at the age of 41 while traveling in Mexico. The cause of his death remains a mystery. His autobiographical novel, The First Third was published posthumously.
Peter Orlovsky and Allen Ginsberg remained life partners from the time they met until the end of Allen's life. Peter retired to a quiet life in the State of Vermont, where he died in 2010.
Allen Ginsberg would become one of the most celebrated poets of the 20th century. Allen died peacefully in 1997 at age 70.

 3 ) Evil to him who evil thinks.

吸引我看下去的是 Jon Hamm。
There are a number of words used in "Howl" that are presently considered coarse and vulgar in some circles of the community, and in other circles, such words are in everyday use. The author of "Howl" has used those words because he believed that his portrayal required them as being in character. The People state that such words are not necessary and that others would be more palatable for good taste. The answer is that life is not encased in one formula whereby everyone acts the same and conforms to a particular pattern. No two persons think alike. We were all made from the same form but in different patterns. Would there be any freedoms of press or speech if one must reduce his vocabulary to vapid, innocuous euphemism? An author should be real in treating his subject and be allowed to express his thoughts and ideas in his own words. In considering material claimed to be obscene, it is well to remember the motto, "Honi soit qui mal y pense" "Evil to him who evil thinks." The freedoms of speech and press are inherent in a nation of free people. These freedoms must be protected if we are to remain free, both individually and as a nation. Therefore, I conclude that the book "Howl and OOther Poems" does have some redeeming social importance, and I find the book is not obscene. The defendant is found not guilty.

 4 ) 每个人都是自己的道德法官和意见领袖


 5 ) Howl

When a few people are frank about homosexuality in public, it breaks the ice. The people are free to be frank about anything and that's sociailly useful. Homosexuality is a condition, and because it alienated me or set me apart from the beginning, it served as a catalyst for self examination, or a detailed realization of my environment and the reasons why everyone else is different and why I am different.

 6 ) 《嚎叫》台词摘录






  • 桃桃林林
  • 还行

I`m too old for literature……画面动画节奏都不错…付兰兰也不错…don也不错…到后面就没这么晦涩变得明亮起来了~

  • Sally?imdb9?9
  • 推荐

倒觉得James Franco那种vulnerability, sensitivity, creativity表现的不错。明明形式化就是需要的。

  • 苏比
  • 推荐

比想象中好看 并且总让人想起the wall什么的 恩这个是james的配乐朗诵课

  • 鱼小默
  • 力荐

2011-01-31 场景:采访/生活/法庭,媒介:彩片/黑白片/动画,配乐:爵士/钢琴/静默,台词:独白/诗歌/法庭陈词,角色:诗人/垮掉的一代/同性恋,背景:战后/工业化/民权运动……法庭辩论语言精彩,诗人部分却没擦出光彩;诗歌原本震撼的效果,动画视觉化后反被削弱。中规中矩。

  • 问津
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  • 无非
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let there be light.let there be honestly.let there be no running from non existent destroyers of morals.let there be honest understanding

  • 弗洛格
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  • 内陆飞鱼
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  • Cheeeeeer@NL
  • 推荐

James Franco一念诗我就肝疼

  • 吊在天花板上
  • 较差

Holy! Holy! Holy!

  • 洗狗
  • 力荐

franco有突破但还不够好 创作很赞

  • saga
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  • Spring Xu
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  • 萨嘎摩哆熊猫桑
  • 力荐

Eric Drooker的插画动画化转换得果然出彩

  • S1UyuA
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  • 兮称
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  • 人淡如菊。无奈
  • 还行


  • 彌張
  • 还行

Holy the clocks in space, holy the fourth dimension; Holy the fifth International, holy the Angel in Moloch; Holy the sea, holy the desert, holy the railroad; Holy the locomotive, holy the visions, holy the hallucination. 动画做得还不错。

  • 69.DDC
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  • Y
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