


导演:Michael Mayer


名声大噪第一季 剧照 NO.1名声大噪第一季 剧照 NO.2名声大噪第一季 剧照 NO.3名声大噪第一季 剧照 NO.4名声大噪第一季 剧照 NO.5名声大噪第一季 剧照 NO.6名声大噪第一季 剧照 NO.13名声大噪第一季 剧照 NO.14名声大噪第一季 剧照 NO.15名声大噪第一季 剧照 NO.16名声大噪第一季 剧照 NO.17名声大噪第一季 剧照 NO.18名声大噪第一季 剧照 NO.19名声大噪第一季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-06 17:07


  百老汇,一个充满了梦想和希望的地方,有些人的名字在这里被永远篆刻在荣誉碑上,而另一些人,则只能在黑暗中品尝着梦想破碎的滋味独自饮泣。汤姆(克里斯蒂安·鲍勒 Christian Borle 饰)和茱莉亚(黛博拉·梅辛 Debra Messing 饰)决定制作一部有关玛丽莲·梦露的音乐剧,此消息一经放出,立刻就吸引了公众的目光,各路人马犹如闻到了鱼腥味的猫咪一般纷至沓来。  女演员凯伦(凯瑟琳·麦菲 Katharine McPhee 饰)拥有一副所有女人都羡慕的羡慕外表,却在事业上屡屡遭遇挫折,和她同样境遇的还有艾薇(梅根·希尔提 Megan Hilty 饰),两人都将能够扮演玛丽莲·梦露当成了事业和人生的突破口。随着时间的推移,制作团队逐渐扩大,台上和台下,好戏共同上演着。


 1 ) 开幕及谢幕曲


【开幕曲】Let Me Be Your Star
Fade in on a girl
with a hunger for fame
and a face and a name to remember
The past fades away
because as of this day
Norma Jeane's gone
she's moving on
Her smile, and your fantasies play a duet
that will make you forget where you are
The music starts playing
it's the beat of her heart sing
Let me be your star

Flashback to a girl
with a song in her heart
as she's waiting to start the adventure
The fire and drive
that makes dream comes alive
they feel her soul
she's in control
The drama, the laughter,
the tears just like pearl
Well there all in this girl's repertoire
It's all for the taking
and its magic wil be making
Let me be your star

I'll just have to forget the hurt that came before
forget what used to be
The past is on the cutting room floor
The future is here with me
choose me!

Fade up on a star
with it all in her sights
all the love and the lights that surround her
Someday she'll think twice
of the dues and the prices
She'll have to pay
but not today

She'll do all she can
for the love of one man
and for million who love, from afar
I'm what you've been needing
is all here and my heart's pleading
Let me be your star.

【谢幕曲】Don't Forget Me
They thought they could dispose of me
They tried to make me small
I suffer each indignity
But now rise above it all
Yes the price I paid was all I had
but at least I found release
And if something good can come from bad
The past can rest in peace

Oh, if you see someone's hurt and in need of a hand
Don't forget me
Or hear a melody crying from some baby grand
Well, don't forget me
When you sing happy birthday to someone you love
or see diamonds you wish were all free
Please say that you won't
I pray that you don't forget me

But forget every men who I ever have met
because they only live to control
For a kiss they paid a thousand
yet they paid fifty cents for my soul
They took their piece
the price of fame that no one can repay
Ah, but they didn't buy me
When they bought my name
and that is why I pray

Oh, if you see someone's hurt and in need of a hand
You don't forget me
Or hear a melody crying from some baby grand
Don't forget me
When you sing happy birthday to someone you love
or see diamonds you wish were all free
Please say that you won't
I pray that you don't forget me

There are some in the world who have strength on their own
never broken or in need of repair
But there are some born to shine who can't do it alone
So protect them and take speical care
Take care
and don't forget me
Please take care
and don't forget me
When you look to the heavens with someone you love
and a light shining bright from afar
I hope you see my face there
and then offer a pray
and please let me be
let me be the star.

 2 ) 微评论: KAREN


 3 ) 乱评Smash歌舞片段(第一季平坑)




National pass time



Call Me

20th Century Fox Mambo
但是回到表演本身,怎么说呢,一开始Karen的青涩过头了:歌唱上,音都准了,但是毫无感情更无技巧,纯属平铺直叙,有好几句歌词明明有发挥空间的,例如反复出现的“20th Century Fox Mambo”可以选择用不同的音质去唱,而“I could do it clothed or undress”“Make it up, shake it up”这两句应该更虚更薄一点,不要从头到尾一个调子,好在,在换了华服之后的演唱就立马就生动起来了。而舞蹈上,Karen长得太高,高个子女生其实跳得好会非常好看——谁不喜欢高挑大长腿——但对于初学者来说死穴是重心没放低,而且Karen还有另外一个毛病:姿态过于僵硬,抖肩的动作实在是惨不忍睹,像是一块洗衣板在左右晃啊晃。Ivy在National pass time里面就抖得自然多了。


Rumor Has It
我最喜欢的《21》里面的一首歌啊!但我的感觉是,这首歌不仅做得比不上原版千分之一,甚至还不如隔壁台Glee的那首Mash up。将这首歌放在私下练习的场合,舞台简陋得可以,然后还是Karen的跳舞!如果和旁边的Bobby小哥比较差距就非常明显了,两个缺点:一是不自然,她在队列里面的时候很容易就会把四肢缩起来,二是发力点不对,跳舞不是平均发力的,要有力点,而这就是我为什么一直觉得这姑娘很违和的原因。


这集两个女主,Karen的唱腔一如既往地直来直往,这集换成唱点小曲儿效果比之前吼歌好多了(我是有多不喜欢她吼K歌啊),而这集的Ivy也不是很在状态,(渣男导演在批她神游其实有道理)虽然重唱的原创歌串烧比起Karen版本加了很多俏皮的花样,但其实没唱到点子上(我最喜欢还是她Let's be bad那场,这次没拿出来),最后那首Joe的SOLO直接做了花瓶……
但这些都不是最要紧的,这集里面的亮点绝对是Will Chase的On Lexington & 52nd Street啊嗷嗷嗷!


这集主要的歌舞部分就算Karen的Touch Me啦。
但是……当听到后面渣导和作曲家对剧情的争执之后,LZ忽然就豁然开朗了,渣导尝试用这首歌表现的是另一个层面的梦露,不是作曲家之前表现的甜美可人的梦露,而是那个“嗑药成瘾有自杀倾向的性icon”梦露,是梦露的黑暗面,那么这首歌的表现应该是堕落、迷失、茫乱,还有一点Vulnerable,各种性明示暗示明显,尝试通过勾引别人“Touch Me”而自我满足的想法。于是Karen的仅限于“漂亮亮眼”的表演瞬间又不够Level了……
ps,床上的诱惑演出,至今LZ看到的印象最深的是早年老甜甜的一场Live,几乎Make out级别,但的确有表现力。


Ivy的Breakaway太润太顺了,Kelly Clarkson的声音有种糙糙的感觉,甚至有点撕裂感,这样更容易带出情感与共鸣。在之前Ivy唱Jessie J的Who you are的时候也是这样。

这集最好玩的歌是Tom的Don't say yes until I finish talking!歌写得活跃舞蹈设计也很欢乐,那群伴舞小哥蹦跶得好萌!Tom其实不像一个财大气粗大老板,像是财大气粗大老板……的大老婆(喂!)躺在那里等捶背还要抽伴舞一毛巾什么的真的太女王了好吗!

EP 11

只说Dig Deep这首给Rebecca度身订造的歌,算是在给一个五音不全音域不广的人最佳的选择了,Rebecca那故意的大舌头也很好玩。只是那个场景是在搞笑啊,梦露穿成这样?还有,Rebecca那些表情简直没有一点梦露感,Karen有她的Pure,Ivy有她的Insecure,她就完全是一个野心勃勃的样子。



最爱的Second-hand white baby grant!我听哭了不止一遍啊!!已经完全没法评论了好么!Ivy驾驭这种Ballad的能力太强了!每次听到waiting for a partner to compose那句的时候都会鼻子酸,请告诉我我不是一个人!

EP15 Season Finale 第一季结局



但一路追着Smash下来,从第二集开始就发现有点不对劲:在callback里,Ivy对剧本里“I'm not crazy”的一段演绎让我开始意识到Ivy(或者说Megan Hilty)的扎实演技和对梦露的理解,这一点远胜在20th Century Fox Mambo里面抖个肩都僵硬得惨不忍睹的Karen,这让我开始怀疑所谓“潜力”是否言过其实,而Ivy并不是韩剧里面那些不学无术但嫉妒女主才华的女二,她自己本身的才华毋庸置疑。



Karen版本的Wolf——我只能用惨不忍睹来形容。对比Ivy版本的更加可怕了。首先,Ivy版本里面加了很多气音还有梦露特色的大舌头音,而Karen对这些音节的处理是实的(真正的高音的时候倒开始用假音了),完全没有了该有的天真香艳,请问Karen小姐,用心点模仿会死啊,你是在演戏还是在唱自己的歌啊。更可怕的是轻佻得不行,尾音升调了不止还拖不够拍!(例如A wink and a smile那句,听听就知道了)这种在砸歌边缘的调子真的不应该出现在舞台表演上的,真正的舞台表演,无论你表演的主题和剧情多浮躁,或者你唱得多high,起码心里必须清醒,知道自己应该怎么唱,而不是随意自己怎么喜欢怎么来,而且稳定的发挥是必须的,飘忽的音节和抢拍的尾音实在是相当业余好吗。

On Lexington & 52nd Street这首歌本来没有什么Karen可以发挥的地方,纯粹是站在上面做做花瓶就好了——可是这样还是不合格啊Karen小姐!站在舞台上,站有站相坐有坐相,所谓舞台的气场就是这么来的啊!和生活里是完全不同的好不好!整个人软绵绵的看起来很没形态啊!如果梦露是这样驼背含胸的话一代女神会沦落为一代女屌丝好吗!




 4 ) Go on smash and Be on top

费翔,阿云嘎,郑云龙,他们选择燃烧自己的青春为了在舞台上将自己的姿态和声音,搭配上现场器乐演奏,一次又一次地将这个世界上最上头的关于理想和生活的态度,用一种歌唱加上舞蹈的方式,传达给有缘亲临现场的观众。本片用真实又更戏剧性的方式完成了对这个迷人产业的每个环节的运作,那些发生在参与音乐剧制作中的曲折,冲突以及情感。 世界上总有一些瑰宝只有少数人能够欣赏,但是对于进入像音乐剧这样的小世界,能够让人发现传统电影,统戏剧之外的一种迷人的情绪能量的传递方式。好的音乐剧电影,像近年的《爱乐之城》,也能证明这个风格的影片也能引起大多数观众的青睐。这部以音乐剧幕后为蓝图的剧让人大饱耳福又大开眼界,也让我们更期待我们的国产音乐剧能够跻身世界音乐剧前十的榜单。

 5 ) katie's fame

我一直喜欢katie。我不看ai,在所有ai出道的歌手里,我就俩有印象:一个是Daughtry(拜托谁不爱Daughtry) ;一个就是她。我甚至对carrie underwood毫无感觉。可是她,她太漂亮了不是吗?

可她就是红不起来,出了几张砖也找不到路线。签了david foster,和chris botti之流厮混也没辙。滥俗中产市场不广袤啊,比不上青少年市场,这年头出不了diva,某位diva唱国歌看得我心惊胆颤。90年代太遥远,celine dion今天出来会不会红都不好说,她不会饶舌也不会耍性感。

大环境就不适合她火吧,不象carrie underwood是唱乡村的,广大农民哥们就爱金发翘臀小甜妞。不对,现在连平胸没屁股的刚成年罗利他们都收,这世道变得。





这配她的卡司都懒得提了,Jack Davenport同学你死哪去了!天才里普里那惊鸿一瞥从此一溜烟没了踪影,现在才出来!





再加一句,连龙套都有alex wong!华丽得闪瞎我眼睛,nbc你要再像对待southland一样对待这个,我再也不看你这个台的戏!

 6 ) 转的洛杉矶时报的评论,很犀利啊,但是我还是喜欢Katharine

'Smash' finale recap: Let Megan Hilty be your star
May 15, 2012 | 11:36 am

Just before the last episode of the first season of “Smash” aired, show runner Theresa Rebeck announced that she would not be returning for Season 2. Instead, Josh Safran, a "Gossip Girl” producer, is coming in to, in the words of Tom (nee Christian Borle), “reboot” the entire show.

Though this type of personnel change isn’t unheard of, it is rare for a major show to lose its captain this way, and one can only guess that Rebeck, a creature of the theater, decided that some of the magic that she was hoping to translate onto the screen was irretrievably lost and that she was better equipped to work on a smaller scale with the strong stuff, rather than the diluted version writ large. Or perhaps she just realized that the show, as it stands now, is massively flawed and that the energy it would take to right the ship wasn’t something she was willing to waste on Katharine McPhee’s mealy-mouthed line readings anymore. Or perhaps she was asked to gracefully exit to make room for a helmer who understands how to take the show’s potential and deliver something worthy.

Because this show does have potential! When I watched the pilot back in January (doesn’t it feel like years ago?), I knew that this was a show that would live or die on the score. Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman came out of the gate blazing, with numbers like “Let Me Be Your Star” and “The National Pasttime” that have held up throughout a season of listening to them -- at least as well as any Broadway soundtrack holds up. And with the exception of a miscalculated Ryan Tedder number and that bizarre turn to Bollywood, the show’s best element has always been its original music.

Take the closing number from Monday night, “Don’t Forget Me,” a final energetic ballad that led into a “Let Me Be Your Star” reprise. Even though I was furious that it was McPhee singing it and not Megan Hilty -- but more on that in a bit -- the song moved me, and I thought it was a fitting way to end a musical about the life of Marilyn Monroe. She pleads for the audience to remember her good qualities, how hard she strived, and not how hard she suffered. She wants to be a legend. A tall order, but as Marilyn is the textbook definition of legend in our culture, it doesn’t feel stretched, and even the fade-in of a large projection of her face comes at just the right moment. It’s sappy and overstated, sure, but so is much of the best work on Broadway, and I know I would have applauded like mad for that finale had I been in the audience.

So what we’re left with at the end of the first season -- and they haven’t even made it to Broadway yet, oy -- is that the show within a show works on some basic level. The thing that doesn’t work is the outer shell, the NBC show, and I think Rebeck saw the writing on the wall about that. But because NBC is pressing toward Broadway with this thing, they will have to figure out a way to make it better. And I think we all know that means not just handing over the reins to Karen.

Here’s the thing: I see what they’re doing here. Karen is the more moldable, malleable, Norma-Jeanable option for the role; she is the pre-Marilyn Marilyn, prone to fits of shyness and doubt and occasional reveries of intense talent. But she’s also boring and stiff, and those are two things that Norma Jean never was.

I understand why Derek is seeing her strange ghost wander around the halls like a specter from his own personal version of “Scrooge.” His vision of Marilyn is that of an innocent, a child, a ball of beautiful clay that men shape. And while it's problematic that the director of “Bombshell” has a misogynistic skew on the whole story, it does fit right into Derek’s persona. He likes his women to be little girls, delicate flowers, requiring his attention. It’s worth noting that when he was the sweetest to Ivy, she was at her lowest point, abusing drugs and getting kicked off stages. He wants to be the big daddy in the room, and Karen is a canvas on which he can paint that fantasy, down to her backstage melt-down. He has to coax the performance out of her as if she’s a baby bird, rubbing her curves and telling her that she’s a star, that he loves her. There were many men that treated Marilyn this way, and it possibly killed her. Which is to say, Derek has chosen Karen for now, so that he can treat her and mold her however he likes. I’m just not sure that it won’t kill her in Season 2. Just wait until she sleeps with him and he loses interest (and he will).

It wouldn’t be such a problem that Derek went with Karen as the big choice if the show didn’t have such a captivating starlet in Hilty. McPhee did a serviceable job on that last number, but I kept thinking that Ivy would have brought something else to the song entirely. Karen’s “Don’t Forget Me” felt like a pleading, a wish. I bet Ivy’s would have felt like a command. The show is so miscast, in that Hilty is clearly a Broadway performer with the chops for that kind of theater, and McPhee is more of a pop star who somehow keeps beating out the Broadway performer -- it doesn’t make logical sense. We are all supposed to suspend our logic and go with the idea that Karen’s the raw talent who is secretly a genius, but I don’t know why they keep pushing that narrative when clearly it isn’t true.

Hilty is the real genius in the Marilyn role -- even Anjelica Huston knows that, even if she couldn’t sway Derek -- and if I were here, I would be contemplating the fistful of pills as well. The show wants us to care about Karen and to despise Ivy, who sleeps with other people’s boyfriends and tries to sabotage everything. But the best person in real life is not always the best person for the job, especially when it comes to show business. I hope that next season they let Ivy redeem herself and take her place. Bernadette Peters needs something else to do besides look devastated.

Borle told the L.A. Times that next season will focus more on the nuts and bolts aspects of putting on a Broadway show, and less on the soapy drama, to which I say (like Sam) hallelujah! My favorite little bits of this episode were Julia and Tom trying to hammer out orchestrations and the stage manager trying to keep everyone happy during a crash run-through. I’d gladly take more of the technical behind-the-scenes sausage, which the pilot was so good at portraying with auditions rather than plot lines involving Dev or Michael Swift. I can’t even get up the energy to worry about the fate of Karen and Dev. She’s a star now, so I’m assuming that relationship is going to fizzle under her spotlight. As for Michael Swift, he may have impregnated Jules, but that doesn’t make him less creepy or predatory. All he has done is thwart their Chinese baby plans.

The only side character who remains compelling at the end is Ellis, who threatens to enact revenge on “Bombshell” while wearing a red devil suit. His little speech to Eileen about doing what needed to be done (a.k.a. nearly murdering a movie star) and how near-murderers never get coffee for anyone was preposterous, and he deserved to be fired. But part of me thinks that in 15 years, Ellis is going to be one of Broadway’s most successful producers. He is not afraid to get his hands dirty with peanut shavings or possibly blood, and showbiz tends to reward insane ruthlessness. I hope the second season explores this dark patch instead of just making him the villain. Ambition does have its place on Broadway, and I’m interested to see where Ellis lands once he learns to harness his.

And that’s all she wrote, folks. See you next year, when we hit the Broadway stage. Will Karen even do a hip thrust that doesn’t make her look like a fembot? Will Ivy channel Marilyn even more than she already does with an overdose? Will Nick Jonas give back the Degas? Will Ellis burn down a theater while he stands there cackling? Will Anjelica Huston ever sing again? And how long can Julia hide her belly beneath her flowy Eileen Fisher garb? All will be revealed soon. Until then, don’t forget Marilyn, or she will haunt you.

 The Songs!

“Mr and Mrs Smith” 2 out of 5 Jazz Hands. Karen has about as much chemistry with Michael Swift as Julia has with her own husband. Not a great start to her star turn.

“Howl” 3 out of 5 Jazz Hands. I really love this song and the jingoistic USO choreography, but I don’t love Karen in it. Ivy standing backstage imagining her own rendition (P.S. “Smash,” please stop with all the flashbacks in Season 2 -- it’s like shaking your own hand) doesn’t help Karen any, as she was so clearly better, effortless and charming at it. Karen gets through the number, but I am not seeing this extra spark that Derek tells Ivy about. She looks mechanical and scared.

“Don’t Forget Me” 4.5 out of 5 Jazz Hands. And then she brings it home, and it’s magical. This is one of Tom and Julia’s best songs yet. Maybe they should always cram in a new ending on the day of the show to keep things fresh. I wasn’t feeling Karen’s tragic sexuality in her suicide scene, but her begging not to be forgotten in this number made me forget how much better Ivy would have been and just focus on McPhee in the role. Because we are stuck with Karen as Marilyn going into Season 2 -- at least for a little while -- any number that makes her more likable is a good thing.




  • ≌菩提风花
  • 还行

这剧的卡司简直要逆天了!Jack Davenport的英国腔好!销!魂!!!!每首歌都很好听!Let me be your star单循环有木有!前半部分剧情都不错换了个Gossip Girl的编剧后面果然开始狗血的排列组合o(╯□╰)o I hate it when things get complicated!!!要是把整个Bomshell都拍成finale就好了!

  • 叉叉
  • 推荐


  • Ms.A扑柔
  • 还行

上1次这么热血沸腾的追剧还是8年前追主妇第1季,那是人生第一次每周"追看"美剧.每个人都那么棒,来对比女主角如此的烂(因为她扣一星).想到个最不恰当的例子,showgirl里女主Elizabeth Berkley的存在只是为了反衬女配Gina Gershon;kp存在的唯一意义只是为了成就Megan Hilty的光彩夺目.

  • 傻乐的猫
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  • 哆啦A梦失灵
  • 推荐

There's a broken heart for every light on Broadway.

  • 诺桑
  • 力荐


  • 小边边
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  • cee
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这是刚看前几集时的感想→【真喜欢这种有心智健全的成年人有英国男配角有技术含量地唱歌跳舞而且每集至少都有一个gay kiss的音乐剧 Ivy一开口就瞬间从注水猪变身金嗓子猴宝非常犀利!还有Grace终于圆了五音都全的梦啊哈哈哈哈哈NBC好嘢~~】这是现在的感想→【我操凭什么啊那个弱逼面瘫女╬゚◥益◤

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提不上惊艳可是也恰到好处。and good to see Debra getting out of Gracie.---------中间许多集拖沓很久,最后一首歌舞剧味浓得刚好。

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  • Gaby
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最后几集越来越好 有种黄金年代的浮华感

  • 占朵
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又听到Jack Davenport那销魂的口音了!又看到亲爱的grace了!能不能不要再在评论里提glee了呀,满屏的glee真尼玛闹心!唱个歌就是glee吗,人家新白娘子传奇也是又唱又演好不好!

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  • UrthónaD'Mors
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  • 肉一
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Karen唱的的I Never Met a Wolf Who Didn't Love to Howl其实还行,可是The 20th Century Fox Mambo简直就没法听。。。不过最后一首歌的时候整个人都要哭断气了我去。。。【Ivy党泪流满面。。。

  • 白日美人_S
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  • Double Meng
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