

主演:黛米·摩尔  加里·奥德曼  罗伯特·杜瓦尔  



红字 剧照 NO.1红字 剧照 NO.2红字 剧照 NO.3红字 剧照 NO.4红字 剧照 NO.5红字 剧照 NO.6红字 剧照 NO.13红字 剧照 NO.14红字 剧照 NO.15红字 剧照 NO.16红字 剧照 NO.17红字 剧照 NO.18红字 剧照 NO.19红字 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-16 12:54


故事发生在17世纪。赫丝特(黛米·摩尔 Demi Moore 饰)离开丈夫,孤身一人来到马萨诸塞湾的英属殖民地定居。在这里开拓的英国人信仰坚定,恪守清规,赫丝特的一些举动在这压抑的殖民地环境下颇为引人注目。当地的牧师阿瑟(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)英俊而富有激情,赫丝特为他的神采深深吸引,两个性情相投的人很快陷入了危险的热恋。不久殖民地方面接到了赫丝特的医生丈夫被印第安人杀害的消息,本以为可以公开关系的一对恋人等到的却是东窗事发,赫丝特为保护阿瑟,拒绝供认通奸者,自此被投入监狱直至产下一名女婴,而阿瑟则在监狱外日日承受心灵的拷问……出狱后的赫丝特戴上了通奸者的耻辱标志,同时她大难不死的丈夫突然现身,誓要将通奸者揪出以发泄心中怒火……


 1 ) 当爱情遇上传奇色彩


 2 ) 红字电影和小说对比






 3 ) 比原著好看的电影

这部由霍桑的小说改编的电影 让我第一次觉得原来电影也可以比原著好看
小说中亚瑟牧师是个懦弱的男人 不能保护自己所爱 最后死在了普林的怀中 一个悲剧收场 留下的是这样的遗憾与无奈 但是在电影中 加里奥德曼的亚瑟牧师却是一个坚贞勇敢热情无畏的男人 赋予了亚瑟又一种生命 虽然他也胆小害羞 虽然他也被封建礼教束缚 可是当自己的女人站在绞刑架上的时候 他站了出来 对人群对世俗对上帝高喊:我是孩子的父亲 在上帝眼中 我是她的丈夫 那一刻我也激动的想大喊 怎样的勇敢让他可以在背负这么多沉重之后终于面对这一切 终于喊出了几年来无法承担的责任 其实男人是要比女人苦的 女人虽然被世俗唾弃 但她是坦荡的 是高尚的 她无所畏惧 但是男人呢?无法触碰自己心爱的女人 无法拥抱刚出生的孩子 在人前仍旧做他高尚的牧师 讲他的经布他的道 谁也无法了解他内心隐忍的苦痛 而这一刻 他终于能站起来 终于能摆脱束缚 终于能拥抱爱人和孩子了 但是他却不再拥有上帝的微笑 同样面临被绞死的命运 这时候的印第安人来袭而造成的大团员结局是我觉得最无法接受的 生硬的可以 但还是希望给我一个这样的大团员结局 大概最近悲剧看多了 或者也没有那么生硬了 大家知道亚瑟有印第安人罩着 还敢把他怎样?
影片的场景服装都很好 颜色也漂亮 我截了几张图 发现任何一张拿出来都可以画一张古典主义的油画了 记得最深的就是普林偷看亚瑟洗澡那场戏 她本来是束着头发的 看到亚瑟之前放了下来 还戴上了一顶花环 让我想起夏娃和伊甸园来了 传说这一段加里有露点 但是操蛋的是我居然买了删节版...

 4 ) 001一个倔强女和一群叛教者










 5 ) The missing imprint of puritanism

        Retelling a novel in a film adaption can be challenging. One needs to consider casting, as well as the context and setting of the story and more. Most important, the main theme should be faithfully represented. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel The scarlet letter (1850) and Roland Joffe’s film (1995) of the same title have certain things in common: both feature the hardened life of Hester Prynne, who commits adultery in Puritan Boston in the mid-seventeenth century. However, the differences between the novel and the film are so prominent that the film can be a problematic retelling. The novel reveals the tragic lives of the characters – Hester and Pearl Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth – as the inevitable result of the narrow and relentless Puritan society in the mid-seventeenth century. The film, in contrast, gives its leading roles unrestricted liberty, both physically and spiritually, rather than being subjected to the Puritan morality in the original story. This mismatch between the traits of main characters and their setting in the Puritan town compromises the integrity of the story.
        Joffe presents The Scarlet Letter as an overtly sensual retelling of the novel. The alterations he made in both the plot of the story and the nature of its leading characters are a total distortion of the novel. The film portrays Hester Prynne, starred by Demi Moore, who leaves her husband in Europe and comes to live in puritan Boston in the mid-seventeenth century. Her unconventional behavior and opinions draw attention from the repressed Puritans in town. She then meets the passionate young minister Arthur Dimmesdale, starred by Gary Oldman, whose sermons deeply touch her. The minister is also attracted by her charm and they soon secretly fall in love. After receiving the news that Virginian Indians have killed Hester’s husband, she gets pregnant, bearing the minister’s child. She is nonetheless accused of adultery even if it is not known whether her husband is alive then. In order to protect the respectable minister, she refuses to tell the name of the father and is condemned to wear the scarlet letter A as a badge of ignominy. She is not repentant and continues to challenge the principles of the Puritan society openly. Meanwhile, Dimmesdale also suffers great pain from his secrete guilt. Hester’s husband then appears in town and becomes a killer to take vicious revenge on Dimmesdale. With the help of Indians, Hester and Dimmesdale leave the town finally and enjoy a happy ending.
        Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, allows Hester Prynne to have a freedom of mind, undisciplined by the prejudice and principle of the society. “The world’s law was no law for her mind”. However, she keeps her “freedom of speculation” all within herself. She does not want to irritate the authorities and lose the right to raise her Pearl. Conversely, Joffé apparently attempts to give Demi Moore complete freedom of mind and speech that seem totally unrealistic for a woman in the given setting and time. He glorifies the character of Hester Prynne by making her unbelievably strong, out-spoken and full of righteous justice. He portrays her as a rather wealthy heroine who buys indentured labor to farm the land instead of doing needlework. He even allegorizes Hester as a feminist by making her to confront the male dominated authorities several times in the film. When Demi Moore is accused of heresy because of disregarding “the law of men,” she questions the magistrates that “If the discourse of woman is ‘untutored chattering,’ then why does the Bible tell us that women shall be the teachers of women?” It seems rather bizarre her argument is beyond the magistrates’s power of refutation. More peculiar, Joffe describes her as a true friend to Mistress Hibbins, standing up for her when she is suspected to be a witch at the judicial hearing. Hester says bravely that “Mistress Hibbins is no witch. And she committed no crime beyond speaking her mind.” This overt battle with the public contradicts entirely with the image of Hester in the book as she “interferes neither with public nor individual interests and convenience” (209). Instead of showing Hester as a female character in a setting parallel to Hawthornes’s depiction of Puritan town in 1642, Joffe makes her too avant-garde and aggressive for her period of time.
        Joffe misinterprets Hester’s morality under the Puritan setting by making noticeable change to her sense of sin in the film version. In the novel, Hester firmly believes she has sinned by the liaison with the minister though she never regrets their sincere love. She, therefore, throughout the book, does penance by living an ascetic life in an abandoned cottage at the outskirt of Boston. She is totally deprived of social interactions, with no friends and seeking none; she makes a living doing needlework and raises Pearl alone; she even gives out charity to the even more miserable beings. By doing so, she hopes that atonement can be made for “a union that is unrecognized on earth”. Hawthorne portrays her anguished by the public bitterness and conscious of the shame brought by the scarlet letter, but remains uncomplaining. In the film, however, Hester has no contrition or guilt nor does she think she has sinned at all. Right after Demi Moore is imprisoned because of adultery, she questions Dimmesdale that “Do you believe we’ve sinned? What happened between us has a consecration of its own!” Later in the scaffold scene, she challenges the Governor again on her understanding of sin: “I believe I have sinned in your eyes, but who is to know that God shares your views.” Whereas Hawthorne portrays Hester as a victim of Puritanism principles by presenting her sufferings and defenselessness to the notion of sin, Joffe makes her more like a victor over the “law of men.” Due to the absent conscious of sin in Demi Moore, Joffe is unable to bring to light the transfiguring and ascendant effects taken place in Hester in the novel, which is driven by her sense of sin. Therefore, he fails to underscore her transformation as Hawthorne does, which results from the inhuman nature of Puritan society – the main issue that Hawthorne criticizes.
        As Hester’s guilt-wracked lover, Arthur Dimmesdale, is not only too powerful a character in the film, but he has too much flexibility in expressing his love. In the movie, he does not reveal bravely to be the child’s father only because Hester pleads with him. However, “everything in [his] nature cries out for it.” Joffe’s Dimmesdale no longer has the nature of cowardice and hypocrisy, but is almost as brave and honest as Hester is. He even defends her innocence as he accuses her confinement as “an abomination.” Joffe manages to set up excessive interviews between Dimmesdale and Hester, only to demonstrate that he has true love for her and desperately wants to help her out by risking himself. Even more at the end of the movie, when Hester is about to be executed for witchcraft, Dimmesdale confesses his love and secret to the public: “I love this woman. I am the father of her child. And in God’s eyes, I am her husband.” He then puts the string on his own neck, wiling to die for Hester. By openly challenging the rules of the town, Joffe’s Dimmesdale seems to have a negative view on Puritanism as well. Joffe reverses the role of Dimmesdale to an emotive and courageous man who has a voice for his love and a respect for human nature. This revision is problematic because such qualities are deprived in this repressed “Puritan divine” as decribed in the novel, whose puritanical morality is so deep-rooted.
        Joffe overly emphasizes the emotional appeals to the audience by producing a Hollywoodized happy-ending. In the novel, Hawthorne creates a single powerful climax: all the other human voices and music subdue, left with only the majestic voice of Dimmesdale’s confession and the revelation of the scarlet letter on his breast. At this point, Hawthorne pushes all the tension and suppressed emotions – anguish, sin and repentance – to an extreme that they can bear no more but to be released into the final lyric paragraphs. The peaceful dialogue between Hester and Dimmesdale before his death serves as a powerful form of salvation for the previous vehement narrative as well as the burdened tragic lives of Hester and Dimmesdale. Joffe, however, creates different tension points in his ending. He depicts Hester, as a champion of justice, asks to be hanged together with Mistress Hibbins; then Dimmisdale heroically declares his love for Hester and is willing to dye for her; finally and most absurd, a rebellion by the Indians saves them all, turning the film into an action movie. Joffe introduces digression to release the main tension in the story. Though the ending that Hester and Dimmesdale live happily afterwards might be more comfortable for the audience, it is much less powerful than the one in the novel.
        Joffe portrays both Hester and Dimmesdale as the brave and passionate warriors against the Puritan society’s inhumanity, rather than being victims. Of course, it is good that Joffe believes that Hester and Dimmesdale eventually triumph over the repressed Puritan doctrines, but by giving them much more undisciplined freedom in their nature than Hawthorne does, he seems to deny the fact that they are ever repressed or affected by Puritanism. Assuming that both Hester and Dimmesdale have emancipated spirits almost equivalent to modern-day people, Joffe manages to cross out the imprint left on them by Puritanism in the mid-seventeenth century in Puritan Boston. By depriving those characters of the tragic consequences from the Puritan principles, he undermines the intention of Hawthorne in reforming Puritanism in the novel.

 6 ) 伪善与真美

海丝特·白兰因犯了通奸罪受到加尔文教派权力机构的惩罚, 胸前佩戴着标志通奸的红色“A”字站在古老的枷刑台上示众。她的手中抱着这个罪孽的证据:一个出生仅数月的婴儿。在人们无情的注视下,她拒绝了年轻牧师阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔提出的忏悔并供出同犯的要求。受过惩罚后,海丝特在城外远离人群的一间小茅屋里住了下来。她以作针线活维生,并细心地照料着她的女儿——珠儿。这时,海斯特的丈夫来到了美国。他满怀仇恨地改名为罗杰·奇林沃思,以医生的身份暗中察访与海丝特通奸的同犯。很快七年过去了。珠儿已成长为一个美丽可爱的小姑娘。而海丝特因为不断热心接济和帮助别人,最终赢得了人们的尊敬,使胸前那本来代表耻辱的红字变成了美好善良德行的象征。 而经过多年的窥探, 罗杰也认定了“道德伟大”的丁梅斯代尔牧师就是那个隐藏的同犯。于是他千方百计地接近牧师, 旁敲侧击,冷嘲热讽,不停地在精神上对牧师进行折磨。海丝特为了使丁梅斯代尔逃离丈夫的阴影,决心带着女儿和他一起逃走,但却被罗杰发现,计划失败了。而对罗杰的恐惧和自己隐瞒罪责的煎熬使丁梅斯代尔的健康每况愈下。终于在离开尘世前夕,他在全体教众的面前,他挽着海丝特和他们的女儿珠儿登上了枷刑台,用以生命为代价的深切忏悔换取了道德上的新生。 《红字》,世界文学名著,美国作家霍桑极富争议的作品,曾被屡次搬上银幕,本文所介绍的版本,是1995年罗兰·约菲导演的《红字》。影片本名《The Scarlet Letter》,又译《真爱一生》或《红色禁恋》,故事讲述了一个凄美动人的婚外情故事。丈夫的失踪,造成一个女人与牧师的相爱。肚子的隆起,暴露了女人的奸情,她为自己的“罪孽”遭受囚禁,然而她拒绝说出情夫的名字。婴儿的降生,成了她罪恶的“铁证”,她的胸前被戴上象征不贞洁和耻辱的红色标志“A”。然而,女人独自带着孩子的种种善举,改变着人们对她的认识,也改变着红色标志“A”的本意。丈夫的归来,却打破了这种局面,他查出了妻子的奸夫,开始疯狂报复。故事结果,纷争平息,牧师最终站出,携女人和他们的孩子,离开了居住地。《红字》,一个令人回味无穷的、名片演绎名著的经典故事。



  • Cary C
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3.5。拖太长了。历尽千辛万苦终成眷属却活了不到十年,这是什么命,忒苦逼了吧。。第一次觉得Gary Oldman还是挺有魅力的。ps恶心的国配,我是怎么看下来的。

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  • T3的小喇叭
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  • Grace
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为了Gary Oldman,给四星吧。

  • Nakedself
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那些自诩虔诚正义和高尚的蠢货bastards,在把象征耻辱的A字挂在她的胸口上时,也把她那“见不得人的不光彩的”爱人的名字别了上去,Adultery?No,it's Arthur。

  • Zatoi Zha
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我永远不会忘记第一次看时,泪眼滂沱的情景。收包 2015年2月5日

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  • milner
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裸泳啊出浴啊深情对视啊什么的,导演真是各种给力。对于我这种GO大叔和黛咪小姐的死忠来说,这电影完全是福利,更别提连打酱油的男二都是Tom Hagen了。GO叔年轻时真是各种狂野各种帅,黛咪小姐则是又坚强又美。完全不一样的红字

  • Yee
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  • Demi
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看一半看不下去了实在不想再见到Gary和DemiMoore 之间有什么发展........

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